Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015

Happy New Year

Short Update: 
Ate way too much in the holidays and gained weight but it's ok, because I had the possibility to discover what I actually did wrong. 

So the things I changed: 
1. I eat every 5 hours 
2. I drink more water (again) 
3. I eat highcarb and mostly vegan 
4. I have quite big portions but not as big as on rawtill4 (2500+ cals are obviously not made for my body)
5. I am working out again...

Of course there are days which are not as they were supposed to be (e.g. On Sunday I had a huge brunch, dinner, big size popcorn at the cinema and midnight-food) but this is a journey and as long as I get better and stronger every day it's going to turn out for good :) 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Dein Blog gefällt mir richtig gut. Du hast auf jeden Fall eine neue Leserin mehr :)
    Wenn du Lust hast, kannst du ja mal bei mir vorbeischauen :)
