Samstag, 13. Dezember 2014

Food today

Breakfast: 2 Big slices of whole wheat bread with cottage cheese and veggie spread, 2 eggs, 0,5 apple, 1 mandarine 

Snack: 25 gr dark choc
Lunch: / 
Cooked potatoes with spinach, champignons and tahini 

Apple-soy yogurt-applesauce pafrait with granola on top + coffee with choc soymilk 

Night snack: 1 pear & 1 mandarine 

I had my breakfast quite late today, so I had no lunch... 
I'm really happy with how the day went today :) I didn't purge *_* (like yesterday :( ) and I didn't even had the urge to purge... My portions were alright and I did a great workout today: I had a kickboxing trial session :)) I really liked it but idk if I wanna get a member yet... 

Did some stretching and now my bed is waiting for me. 


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